Ant-Man and the Wasp won’t hit theaters until July 6th but the film premiered to select critics and audiences recently to cheers, high praise and applause. Most of the people who wrote reviews basically claim that Marvel has another massive hit on their hands which is great news! Hopefully it will help them get ready for that DC vs. Marvel analysis coming their way from hopeful fans!
Check out some of the critical thoughts below:
In a surprise to no one @MrPeytonReed‘s #AntManAndTheWasp is a ton of fun and had the crowd laughing beginning to end. @MarvelStudios has yet another winner. @Kevfeige makes it look so easy when we all know what he’s done is next to impossible. pic.twitter.com/coixY7LG40
– Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) June 23, 2018
A tiny take: #AntManAndTheWasp was a total blast. Romantic, energetic and a lot of fun. @MrPeytonReed left unchained and left to his own devices is glorious and totally bonkers and brilliant. pic.twitter.com/QZ8okR76eG
– Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) June 23, 2018
#AntManAndTheWasp is a freaking blast! Absolutely hysterical and the effects a incredible!!! Definitely see it in 3D! Also, my fav Stan Lee cameo ever! pic.twitter.com/C0oadNWz6M
– Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) June 23, 2018
Dug the heck out of #AntManAndTheWasp. Clever and charming with lots of heart. It’s a bit exposition heavy, but otherwise a damn delight. One gag had me laughing so hard I was in tears and the post-credits scene is easily one of Marvel’s best.
– Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) June 23, 2018
What a year for Marvel! Absolutely loved #AntManAndTheWasp. Stellar ensemble and the humor is spot on. (Laughed myself to tears during one sequence!) The tech is used to great effect yet again. Unique, highly entertaining ride I can’t wait to go on again.
– Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) June 23, 2018
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP is probably the closest Marvel will ever get to #nicecore. there’s no villain! just… mild impediments. And teamwork! I love teamwork.
everyone says “quantum” a lot, and then they joke *about* how everyone says “quantum” a lot. fun, funny, and forgettable.
– david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) June 23, 2018
Had a blast watching #AntManandtheWasp. It’s super funny, which is its greatest charm. Very personal, small scale story (again) and definitely focused on being light and family friendly. Evangeline Lilly is a badass, and Scott’s daughter Cassie steals the show. Also, ants ? pic.twitter.com/PMAZf94gGa
– Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) June 23, 2018
Ant-Man & The Wasp is crazy fun. Very self-contained, but brimming with energy, and full of cool and creative surprises. Super funny, and the entire cast is wonderful. I had a blast! pic.twitter.com/2lCeUGvzHW
– Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) June 23, 2018
Sooo… #AntmanAndTheWasp is the perfect comic chaser to the doom and gloom of Infinity War. Also, Evangeline Lilly rocks as The Wasp. pic.twitter.com/NrXxy53xHZ
– ReBecca Theodore-Vachon @ #NALIPMediaSummit (@FilmFatale_NYC) June 23, 2018
WOW! #AntManAndTheWasp is a total delight! Funny, inventive, smart and full of great, irresistible energy! The cast is perfect, especially @EvangelineLilly , and the new characters fit in seamlessly. It’s got huge stakes, but never loses its smirk or the BIG heart at its center.
– John Steven Rocha (@TheRochaSays) June 23, 2018
#AntManAndTheWasp is cool and all, but the end credit scene is the best part of the whole film and the only thing I can think about right now.
– Kylie Erica Mar (@KylieEricaMar) June 23, 2018