Check out the top box office from this weekend along with official movie trailers.
New this week, Snow White (2025). In a fresh reimagining of the classic fairy tale, Snow White follows the story of a young woman named Snow White, living in a world torn between ancient magic and a rapidly advancing, modern society. The once-thriving kingdom is now ruled by a ruthless and power-hungry Queen who uses dark magic to maintain her control. Consumed by envy of Snow White’s innocent beauty and pure heart, the Queen orders her stepdaughter’s death.
However, Snow White escapes into the enchanted forest, where she is found and protected by a group of outcasts – seven rebels, each with their own troubled past. These ‘dwarves’ are skilled warriors, inventors, and scholars, who are all determined to overthrow the Queen’s tyrannical rule.

As Snow White’s power grows, she learns that her true strength lies not in her beauty, but in her ability to unite people across different walks of life. Alongside her newfound allies, she begins to challenge the Queen’s control, discovering secrets about her lineage and her own latent magical abilities. As the Queen unleashes dark creatures to stop Snow White’s rebellion, the stakes rise, leading to a final showdown in which Snow White must embrace her destiny – not just to be a ruler, but to be a symbol of hope, courage, and transformation for a fractured kingdom.

This retelling introduces themes of empowerment, resilience, and the importance of inner beauty over external appearances, all set in a visually stunning world that blends dark fantasy with modern elements. Snow White is an empowering and visually captivating film that redefines the classic fairy tale for a new generation.
Top Box Office this weekend
Position | Movie Title | Weekend Gross | Total Gross | Weeks in Theatre |
1 | Snow White (2025) | $42M | $42M | 1 |
2 | Black Bag | $4.2M | $14.7M | 2 |
3 | Captain America: Brave New World | $4M | $192M | 6 |
4 | Novocaine | $3.6M | $15.7M | 2 |
5 | Mickey 17 | $3.7M | $40M | 3 |